Choosing Work You Love is the third and final pillar of my personal philosophy. Work is how we use our skills and focus to transform our lives and do what we enjoy.

Work is also how you transform your efforts into rewards. It is an investment, and how you provide service to others. It can reward you in many ways, including social benefits, personal meaning, and financial gain.

Many of us work for money out of necessity. It’s the second most important resource we have, after our time. Money is simply the transfer of crystallised human effort, or future value, from one person to another. You can sum it up as the net benefit (or drain) we had on society. Like many things in life, good things come to those who give more than they take.

Knowing how to do good work is how you provide value to others. Being of service to others in the right way allows you to earn a lot of money. Money is simply how the world rewards you for your efforts. Therefore, we should work in a way that allows us to offer the maximum amount of value in the shortest amount of time.

Doing good work is the secret to unlocking freedom, personal mobility, and finding meaning in the things you do. But working how we like isn’t always available to us. We need to understand how to save and how to invest in order to unlock our ideal method of working.

Many people pursuing Financial Independence Retire Early often do so because they are sick of working. I truly believe that working is one of the most important things we can do.

I believe that working in a manner that aligns with your personality and lifestyle choices is a vital goal in the modern day. Learning how to do this helps you realise that working was never the problem – it was the solution.

Below is every article in my Work Series:

  • Leverage & The Economics of Your Time

    Leverage & The Economics of Your Time

    Trading your time for money is an integral part of modern life. But how do you use your job to live a life you love?

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  • Earn Enough, But No More

    Earn Enough, But No More

    A common thought in our society is that one should earn as much money as possible as soon as possible. I propose a different strategy: earn enough, but no more.

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  • Find People on the Same Journey as You

    Find People on the Same Journey as You

    As you walk the path of Saving and Investing, the doors to Choosing Work You Love and designing your ideal lifestyle open up to you. When you begin creating the life you want to live, it becomes more and more important to find people on the same journey as you.

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  • The Challenges of Walking a Different Path

    The Challenges of Walking a Different Path

    There are many paths through life, and each one of us is on our own journey. To those walking a different path, they simply see this as the way that they move forward – regardless of how they appear to others.

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  • Maximise Your Skill Set to Maximise Your Income

    Maximise Your Skill Set to Maximise Your Income

    If you maximise your skill set, you maximise your income potential. This, plus Saving & Investing, helps you achieve your financial goals.

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  • Create a Lifestyle That Supports Your Financial Goals

    Create a Lifestyle That Supports Your Financial Goals

    Our dreams are often held back by the limits of our finances. Therefore, in order to achieve your dreams, you must understand money on a deep level, and create a lifestyle that supports your financial goals.

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  • Create a Life You Don’t Need to Retire From

    Create a Life You Don’t Need to Retire From

    Retirement is seen as the reward for finishing your career. After decades of toil, you can finally relax and do whatever you want. Following the traditional 40-ish year career path locks you into endless work, with your golden years being the light at the end of the tunnel. But there is another option: create a…

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  • Live a Life of Continuous Learning

    Live a Life of Continuous Learning

    Skills are an essential tool for success in the modern age. The more skills you have, the more likely you are to be able to use some or al of those skills towards a lucrative goal. We acquire skills through dedicating time to learn these skills. Therefore, anyone looking to achieve success should live a…

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  • Help Your Loved Ones & Your Community

    Help Your Loved Ones & Your Community

    The pursuit of self-mastery isn’t selfish. Becoming mighty enough to overcome challenges in our own lives gives us the skills to thrive in the modern age. Once we accomplish this, we can turn our attention to helping our loved ones and our community. Our families and communities provide important benefits throughout our lives. By supporting…

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